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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! South Carolina Math Standards - 8th GradeMathScore aligns to the South Carolina Math Standards for 8th Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Mathematical ProcessesStandard 8-1: The student will understand and utilize the mathematical processes of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and representation.8-1.1 Generate and solve complex abstract problems that involve modeling physical, social, or mathematical phenomena. 8-1.2 Evaluate conjectures and pose follow-up questions to prove or disprove conjectures. 8-1.3 Use inductive and deductive reasoning to formulate mathematical arguments. 8-1.4 Understand equivalent symbolic expressions as distinct symbolic forms that represent the same relationship. 8-1.5 Generalize mathematical statements based on inductive and deductive reasoning. 8-1.6 Use correct and clearly written or spoken words, variables, and notations to communicate about significant mathematical tasks. 8-1.7 Generalize connections among a variety of representational forms and real-world situations. 8-1.8 Use standard and nonstandard representations to convey and support mathematical relationships. Number and OperationsStandard 8-2: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of operations with integers, the effects of multiplying and dividing with rational numbers, the comparative magnitude of rational and irrational numbers, the approximation of cube and square roots, and the application of proportional reasoning.8-2.1 Apply an algorithm to add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers. (Integer Addition , Integer Subtraction , Positive Integer Subtraction , Integer Multiplication , Integer Division , Integer Equivalence , Integers In Word Problems ) 8-2.2 Understand the effect of multiplying and dividing a rational number by another rational number. (Fraction Multiplication , Fraction Division , Decimal Multiplication , Decimal Division ) 8-2.3 Represent the approximate location of irrational numbers on a number line. 8-2.4 Compare rational and irrational numbers by using the symbols ≤, ≥, <, >, and =. 8-2.5 Apply the concept of absolute value. (Absolute Value Equations ) 8-2.6 Apply strategies and procedures to approximate between two whole numbers the square roots or cube roots of numbers less than 1,000. (Estimating Square Roots ) 8-2.7 Apply ratios, rates, and proportions. (Unit Cost , Proportions 1 , Proportions 2 , Distance, Rate, and Time , Train Problems , Mixture Word Problems ) AlgebraStandard 8-3: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of equations, inequalities, and linear functions.8-3.1 Translate among verbal, graphic, tabular, and algebraic representations of linear functions. (Determining Slope , Graphs to Linear Equations , Graphs to Linear Equations 2 , Applied Linear Equations 1 , Applied Linear Equations 2 ) 8-3.2 Represent algebraic relationships with equations and inequalities. 8-3.3 Use commutative, associative, and distributive properties to examine the equivalence of a variety of algebraic expressions. (Distributive Property , Distributive Property 2 , Simplifying Algebraic Expressions ) 8-3.4 Apply procedures to solve multistep equations. (Single Variable Equations 2 , Single Variable Equations 3 ) 8-3.5 Classify relationships between two variables in graphs, tables, and/or equations as either linear or nonlinear. 8-3.6 Identify the coordinates of the x- and y-intercepts of a linear equation from a graph, equation, and/or table. 8-3.7 Identify the slope of a linear equation from a graph, equation, and/or table. (Determining Slope ) GeometryStandard 8-4: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the Pythagorean theorem; the use of ordered pairs, equations, intercepts, and intersections to locate points and lines in a coordinate plane; and the effect of a dilation in a coordinate plane.8-4.1 Apply the Pythagorean theorem. (Pythagorean Theorem ) 8-4.2 Use ordered pairs, equations, intercepts, and intersections to locate points and lines in a coordinate plane. (Ordered Pairs , Line Segments , Applied Linear Equations 1 , Applied Linear Equations 2 ) 8-4.3 Apply a dilation to a square, rectangle, or right triangle in a coordinate plane. 8-4.4 Analyze the effect of a dilation on a square, rectangle, or right triangle in a coordinate plane. MeasurementStandard 8-5: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the proportionality of similar figures; the necessary levels of accuracy and precision in measurement; the use of formulas to determine circumference, perimeter, area, and volume; and the use of conversions within and between the U.S. Customary System and the metric system..8-5.1 Use proportional reasoning and the properties of similar shapes to determine the length of a missing side. (Proportions 2 ) 8-5.2 Explain the effect on the area of two-dimensional shapes and on the volume of three-dimensional shapes when one or more of the dimensions are changed. (Area And Volume Proportions ) 8-5.3 Apply strategies and formulas to determine the volume of the three-dimensional shapes cone and sphere. 8-5.4 Apply formulas to determine the exact (pi) circumference and area of a circle. (Circle Area , Circle Circumference ) 8-5.5 Apply formulas to determine the perimeters and areas of trapezoids. (Trapezoids ) 8-5.6 Analyze a variety of measurement situations to determine the necessary level of accuracy and precision. 8-5.7 Use multistep unit analysis to convert between and within U.S. Customary System and the metric system. (Distance Conversion , Time Conversion , Volume Conversion , Weight Conversion , Temperature Conversion ) Data Analysis and ProbabilityStandard 8-6: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of the relationships between two variables within one population or sample.8-6.1 Generalize the relationship between two sets of data by using scatterplots and lines of best fit. 8-6.2 Organize data in matrices or scatterplots as appropriate. 8-6.3 Use theoretical and experimental probability to make inferences and convincing arguments about an event or events. 8-6.4 Apply procedures to calculate the probability of two dependent events. (Object Picking Probability ) 8-6.5 Interpret the probability for two dependent events. 8-6.6 Apply procedures to compute the odds of a given event. (Probability , Probability 2 ) 8-6.7 Analyze probability using area models. 8-6.8 Interpret graphic and tabular data representations by using range and the measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode). (Mean, Median, Mode , Stem And Leaf Plots ) Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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